Friday, January 31, 2020

Research Paper NT1430 Essay Example for Free

Research Paper NT1430 Essay When it comes to IPv6 there are a lot of topics that can be discussed. It will change the Internet forever as we know it. IPv4 is the fourth version of protocol using a 32 bit address space whereas IPv6 will be using 128 bits of hexadecimal addressing to allow for drastically more addresses. Currently IPv4 allows roughly 4,294,967,296 possible addresses and with the current allocation practices it limits the number of public address to a few hundred million. In contrast, the 128 bit address space that IPv6 uses can provide roughly 3. 4 x 1038 possible addresses. The sheer size of the IPv6 address allows for the subdividing of the address into a hierarchical routing structure that in turn can reflect the current topology of the Internet. This will provide great flexibility for the addressing and routing in the future where the IPv4 obviously lacks in comparison. It would hard to imagine a world where we do have anymore Internet addresses to go around. This should hopefully solve that problem, at least for a while to come. When configuring DHCP on Linux to use IPv6 one must be sure that they have everything in order. The two most used means of auto configuration IPS are on the router advertisement and dhcpv6. When you are using the RA a server daemon needs to advertise a network prefix which is typically a /64, gateway and sometimes a DNS server. Then the Client machines can auto configure their IPv6 addresses when they have initialized a bootup based on their current MAC address using EUI64. When addressing the same situation with dhcpv6, dynamic or static addresses can always be assigned to the current client machines. Unfortunately the gateways cannot be assigned due to the design of the dhcpv6 protocol. If you must use dhcpv6 you have to use RA. You can configure RA to advertise only the gateway leaving the IP and DNS server configuration all up to the dhcpv6, or only the DNS servers. In order to run dhcpd in IPv6 mode you  need to add a -6 argument. The arguments should define the configuration file and lease file. Here is an example of a startup command; /usr/sbin/dhcp -6 –cd/etc/dhcpd6.conf –lf/var/state/dhcpd6.leases eth1. The -6 enables the IPv6 mode and the –cf defines the IPv6 configuration file. Here’s an example of the dhcpd6.conf; # dhcpd6.conf authoritative; option 2001;db8;1;1;;200; option dhcp6.domain-search ‘internal.1an’; In conclusion, I hope that after this you understand why IPv6 is such a game changer and why it is so important for our world going forward. Without it our planet would cease to exist and everything would stop. Obviously IPv4 is still around and will be for a few more years, but the days of thinking that IPv4 would last forever or definitely over and it’s time for something new will hopefully last a little longer. References //

Thursday, January 23, 2020

suzy :: essays research papers

A Soldiers Home â€Å"A Soldiers Home† by Ernest Hemingway takes place during the late summer of 1919, during the post-war era of WWI. Krebs, the main character in the story, returns to his small hometown in Oklahoma much later than when the rest of the soldiers had returned. â€Å"The men from the town who had been drafted had all been welcomed elaborately on their return†(Hemingway, 145). The â€Å"people seemed to think it was rather ridiculous for Krebs to be getting back so late, years after the war was over†(Hemingway, 145). Krebs returns from war to live in the same dysfunctional home and environment with his mom, dad, and two younger sisters. â€Å"Krebs’ noncommittal father is obviously dominated by his wife; she makes the decisions†(bridgewater, 1). She has determined that Krebs â€Å"should live in God’s â€Å"Kingdom,† find a job, and get married like a normal local boy†(bridgewater, 1). Krebs has not yet recovered from his various psychological post-war wounds, and is trapped by the sick marriage of his parents. â€Å"By the time Krebs returned to his hometown in Oklahoma, the greeting for heroes was over†(Hemingway, 145). At first, he did not want to talk about the war at all. As time went on, â€Å"he felt the need to talk, but no one wanted to hear about itâ€Å"(Hemingway,145). This was due to the great deal of hysteria which the town had endured years ago when the other soldiers returned from the war. This was all old news, and they were tired of hearing about the war(Hemingway, 145). The town’s atmosphere was not helping his state of post-war mental anguish because they â€Å"had heard too many atrocity stories to be thrilled by actualitiesâ€Å"(Hemingway, 145). â€Å"Krebs found that to be listened to at all he had to lieâ€Å"(Hemingway, 145). Krebs lived in a â€Å"Mayberry† kind of town. It was small and everybody seemed to know each other. The pool hall, the library, the schoolyard and the First National Bank, where his dad works, is all within walking distance from his house. Krebs would sometimes walk to the schoolyard to watch his sister play baseball. Krebs day consisted of little more than sleeping late in bed, walking downtown to the library to get a book, or reading on the front porch until he became bored. Krebs would walk down â€Å"through the town to spend the hottest hours of the day in the cool dark of the pool room†(Hemingway, 146).

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Describe the attitude and values underlining beliefs of Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay in text 23 ‘Our day Out’

Text 23 is taken from ‘our day out' by Willy Russel. In the text it describes of a school trip where a class of students are taken on a day out. Two of the main teachers in the text Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay have conflicting ideas on the purpose of the trip. They also believe differently about the education of the children and the reality of their situation. The children are less interested in learning and more interested in enjoying their day out much to the dislike of Mr Briggs. Mr Briggs believes that even though the students are on a school trip they should still behave in an orderly fashion and that they should be learning at the same time as behaving themselves. Mr Briggs has much more stricter views and ideas on how a school trips should be conducted. Mrs Kay realises and is very aware that none of the children are interested in anything other than enjoying themselves and since the children are, in her words, ‘rejects since the day they came into the world' so what is the point in trying to make them learn. When Mrs Kay makes these views clear, Mr Briggs is horrified even though he most likely knows its true. The main difference between Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay is that Mrs Kay has accepted the truth that these children haven't learnt and aren't going to start on there big day out. Mrs Kay has much more realistic values and beliefs such as, it's too late for teaching the children anything and they aren't interested. In her opinion the children should at least enjoy there one day out they have although Mr Briggs thinks much more differently. She hides truths from the children so they are not disheartened such as when a girl asks her whether one day she could own a nice house she basically says you might do instead of being pessimistic like maybe Briggs might have been if asked a similar question. The attitudes of Mrs Kay and Mr Briggs are hugely different. Mr Briggs is constantly ignoring the fact that the children don't want to learn and in Mrs Kay's opinion it's too late for that now. In some ways Mr Briggs still believes that the children can be educated either that or he is just kidding himself. Throughout the text Mr Briggs is constantly trying to show his authority over everyone claiming â€Å"I was sent by the headmaster to supervise this trip†. Mrs Kay has a different attitude towards the children. She knows that they are troublesome but claims its too late for the children and that no one will teach them because no-one knows what to do with them. She also mentions that what the children are good for, or would have been good for, she uses the term ‘factory fodder' but mentions that the factories have closed down so what future do the children have. Overall Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay have totally different opinions and beliefs about the children. Ideally Briggs would like to see the children behaving and trying to learn but as both Mr Briggs and Mrs Kay knows it wont happen. Whereas Mrs Kay is more realistic and is looking out for the children's enjoyment instead of further making there lives a misery.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Diabetes Prevention Programme - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1311 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category Health Essay Type Research paper Level High school Tags: Disease Essay Health Care Essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a health problem that affects people despite their age. The program targets the young and working class generation through social media campaigns. The purpose of this project is to spread awareness of what courses diabetes, how to avoid becoming diabetic by living a healthy life and how to live with diabetes. BACKGROUND In the past, diabetes was associated with aging people. However, today its course has changed. It would not be a surprise to hear a case of a five-year child who has diabetes. There are adverse conditions that come along with diabetes, which mostly affects the eyes, kidneys, feet, nerves, heart, and brain. A lot of myths have been formed behind the courses and cures of diabetes. A large population lives at risk of getting diabetes and some already living with diabetes. People have been misguided by theories formulated as to the course of diabetes, and most of them are not aware of the real courses or how they can avoid being diabetic. The young generation needs to be aware of the risk their lifestyle puts them in and how it can affect them in future. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Diabetes Prevention Programme" essay for you Create order GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the project is to bring awareness to the general population on living healthy with diabetes or living healthy to avoid it. The project will focus on correcting mythical concepts that have been instilled in most peoples minds, I being one of them till recently. Most believe that diabetes is coursed by consuming a lot of sugar, which is halfway true. Others believe that only obese people are at risk of becoming diabetic while some think its a disease that only affects the older generation. These some of the myths and misconceptions that we need to bring awareness to fight diabetes effectively. Science has not proved the exact course of diabetes yet, but in most cases, it has been associated with the genetic history of a person. However, by living a healthy life, even people with a diabetic gene history have been able to avoid the disease. The main areas that will be covered by this campaign are nutrition and physical fitness. First of all, theres the theory that I f you are overweight or obese, you will eventually develop type 2 diabetes.(Diabetes Myths) Thats not factually true. Its true that overweight people are at risk of developing diabetes, but statistically, most of them dont, and a lot of people with normal weight are living with diabetes. It is advisable that people should live a healthy life and maintain a normal body weight, but that should not be the only factor to consider as a way to prevent diabetes. Then theres the saying that Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.(Diabetes Myths.) When it comes to health, not everything is in black and white. While diabetes is an effect of the body being unable to regulate the levels of sugar in the blood, sugar will always be necessary whether someone has diabetes or not. However, lifestyle behaviors do matter a lot when determining when a lot of sugar is too much sugar. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people should avoid intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to help preve nt diabetes. Most American food and beverages manufacturers now offer non-fat options on of their products. This is mainly due to a campaign by scientists in the 1960s that fat was the main course of obesity and heart disease (OConnor, Anahad). To date people hold the same believe and companies opted to add more sugar to their products while reducing fat. This sweetening greatly increases the level of blood sugar which eventually leads to diabetes. From the above incident, we see a situation where people consume too much sugar even without their knowledge. For example, Just one 12-ounce can of regular soda has about 150 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrate. This is the same amount of carbohydrate in 10 teaspoons of sugar. (Grains and Starchy Vegetables.) Bringing awareness to the amount of sugar we consume in products would be a great step towards combating diabetes. Then theres a myth that People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.(Grains and Starchy Vegetabl es.) The answer to this is that everyone should practice a healthy diet. The recommended diet for everyone should be low in saturated and trans fat, moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and fruit. Diabetic foods do not mainly hold any special benefit, and they tend to be more expensive than standard food. THE INTERVENTION The myths are many, but the sure way to live healthy with or without diabetes is the right diet and keeping your body fit. The aim is not to drastically change peoples lifestyle to suit a documented version of healthy living. The objective is to teach people to change their diet and lifestyle for better health gradually. Regarding fitness it the campaign would recommend simple exercises as we go through our day to day activities. Most people consider exercises as going to the gym and burning as many calories as you can, but the truth is that act as simple as walking is a form of exercise. The main message about fitness should be anything that gets you moving, such as walking, dancing, or working in the yard. The major focus of this proposal has been on a diet. The myths behind it and what to avoid and what to add. The message will still be the same if you want to eat grains, eat whole grains, and if you have to take a beverage, take a non-sweetened drink. These messages might be simple but would go a long combat the ever-growing risk of diabetes. As said, the main focus of the project is to bring awareness to people on how they can avoid or live with diabetes by practicing a healthy living. The main target is the younger and working class generations who interact with new technology on a daily basis. The target group has the highest population, and its more active in other things in the society. However, a large number in this group interact with the internet on a daily basis, and some are using social media as their main form of interaction with the society. Its easier, faster and cheaper to provide targeted campaigns through social media than any other platform. EVIDENCE THAT THIS WILL WORK Like HIV/AIDS diabetes has no cure. However, in the last three decades, we have seen increased effort added in creating awareness to the public about HIV/AIDS, how to live with it and how to avoid getting infected. This has seen the number of infections reduce by over 10% between 2010 and 2016. The number of deaths for those infected has also reduced, and theres an increased life expectancy. This is due to healthy living even if the virus does not have a cure (HIV in the United States | Statistics Overview | Statistics Center | HIV/AIDS | CDC.). If the equal amount of effort is directed to creating awareness about HIV/AIDS is directed to creating awareness about diabetes. There would be a significant fall in diabetic cases since unlike AIDS, diabetes is not contagious. In the long run, this would save the world approximately 245 billion dollars spent annually on diabetes cases in the United States alone (Type 2 Diabetes Statistics and Facts.). Work cited Diabetes Myths.? American Diabetes Association, 2017, Grains and Starchy Vegetables.? American Diabetes Association, 2017, HIV in the United States | Statistics Overview | Statistics Center | HIV/AIDS | CDC.? Cdc.Gov, 2017, OConnor, Anahad. How The Sugar Industry Shifted Blame To Fat.? Nytimes.Com, 2017, Type 2 Diabetes Statistics And Facts.? Healthline, 2017,